Weapons Effects Prediction—Firing For Effect


Weapons Effects Prediction—Firing For Effect


Author(s): Scott B.R. Wheeler
No pages: 6
Year: 2005
Article ID: 8-1-6
Keywords: training and analysis
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: This study presents two practical approaches to assisting military staff plan for effects on the battlefield. First, a calculator tool for the effects of known indirect-fire weapons systems upon targets is provided. The method in which effects are calculated is based on Australian and United States military doctrine. Using this tool, staff are able to evaluate the effects produced upon targets without consulting tables of ammunition effects or performing complicated calculations. Second, a practical solution to the problem of allocating these indirect-fire weapons systems to targets in order to produce desired effects is discussed. In solving this problem, it is not assumed that targets are necessarily detected, identified or recognised. A sequence of Monte Carlo simulations is conducted to predict the nature of the effects produced. No judgement is made on the relative merits of the effects produced in any of the possible allocations. Hence, the Weapons Effects Prediction software assists, but does not replace, military staff in planning for effects on the battlefield.