The Development of a Defence Concept Technology Demonstrator for Naval Tactical Trunk IP Communications


The Development of a Defence Concept Technology Demonstrator for Naval Tactical Trunk IP Communications


Author(s): Paul Axon; Emmanuel de la Haye; Craig Fuller; John Phillips; Allan Savins; Lesley Stanger; Steve Szybowski
No pages: 6
Year: 2008
Article ID: 11-1-3
Keywords: command systems, communications systems
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: This paper describes the candidate technologies, processes and system engineering practices used by the Thales Australia Concept Technology Demonstrator (CTD SEA1660 project) on behalf of the Commonwealth of Australia for the investigation, design and testing of a broadband Naval Tactical Trunk (NTT) and report on progress to date. The objective is to enhance the capability of the Royal Australian Navy with mobile communications at speeds of greater than 2Mbps as high data-rate trunk communications accessible to military units operating within a littoral battlespace as well as in blue-water formation. We focus on the enhancement of high data-rate, mobile line-of-sight (LOS) communications available to military groups operating within the littoral zone, amphibious landings and deployments, naval task groups and mobile land forces considering the environmental, Defence spectrum management and link budget issues for both ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore scenarios. Although not intended for use as a capability system the NTT must satisfy all mandatory operational and safety requirements for testing and demonstration on board RAN ships. Three test terminals will demonstrate wideband communications channel technologies and algorithms for amphibious and at-sea communications and data capture within Thales's Australian Transformation and Innovation Centre (ATiC) to provide a visual demonstration of the effectiveness of the NTT to support Network Centric Warfare operations.