Mutual Empowerment in Mobile Soldier Support


Mutual Empowerment in Mobile Soldier Support


Author(s): Annerieke Heuvelink; Philip J.M. Kerbusch; Mark A. Neerincx; Emiel M. Ubink; Bob van der Vecht; Jurriaan van Diggelen; Kristian van Drimmelen; Suzanne M.A. van Trijp
No pages: 8
Year: 2012
Article ID: 15-1-3
Keywords: human factors, mutual empowerment, training and analysis
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: By Mutual Empowerment, strengths and weaknesses of humans and technology can be dynamically balanced, resulting in new concepts for mobile soldier support. One part of our research focused on developing the mutual empowerment mechanisms themselves, e.g. for supporting soldiers with text messages that are relevant to their role, location or task; for increasing organizational awareness; and for predicting collateral damage. Another part of our research focused on well-founded methods for designing such systems in an iterative and coherent way. We have developed a modular user-centred design methodology which aims at developing a library of reusable components for mutual empowerment. We developed support tools for designing, prototyping and testing such components. This paper presents the methodology, the outcomes, and our reflections on the methodology.