A Two-Sided Contextual Technology Classification Framework for the Australian Army


A Two-Sided Contextual Technology Classification Framework for the Australian Army


Author(s): Patricia Dexter
No pages: 8
Year: 2014
Article ID: 17-3-4
Keywords: classification framework, emerging technology, training and analysis
Format: Electronic (PDF)

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Abstract: A robust and consistent classification framework was required to undertake emerging technology impact assessments for the Australian Army as the literature did not provide suitable alternatives. A context specific and fit for purpose two-sided contextual classification framework for technologies for the Australian Army has been developed using a combination of literature sources and a Delphi-like group technique. This classification framework provides a consistent and common language for an emerging technology impact assessment process. The robust classification framework and the method used in its development can be readily applied to other military contexts in order to generate specific frameworks for those contexts.